100% Authentic Wool Scapulars
If you are having trouble with this site or want to order over the phone call 805.299.6256
100% Authentic Wool Scapulars
If you are having trouble with this site or want to order over the phone call 805.299.6256
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If you are having trouble with this site or want to order over the phone call 805.299.6256
If you are having trouble with this site or want to order over the phone call 805.299.6256
We offer 100% authentic wool scapulars made by devoted hands. We have been making scapulars for more than forty years.You can be assured in knowing that your product is genuine artwork crafted in the USA.
The Traditional Catholic Church says in the 1912 Catholic Encyclopedia that concerning all small scapulars they must be of 100% woven wool.
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Please note** It can take up to two weeks to get an order as we take them first come, first serve; usually, we ship ASAP. At certain times during the year, we get extremely busy. If you need something fast or overnight, please call us and let us know. .Thank you.